If you are committed to helping an infertile couple, and you meet medical and psychological standards, you may qualify to participate in our egg donation program.
All information is confidential and board-certified practitioners perform all medical treatments. Our physicians and nurses are experts in the field of infertility, and they successfully match hundreds of egg donors with recipient couples each year. To ensure the safety and success for egg donors and recipients, our egg donation team follows the guidelines established by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Upon completion of a donor cycle, you will receive a free medical evaluation, free genetic testing and $10,000 for your time and effort.

Step 1: Screening for Egg Donor Candidates
The first step toward becoming an egg donor includes filling out the egg donor application. To qualify as an egg donor, you must be 21-32 years old, in good physical and psychological health, have a height and weight within normal limits, and not use drugs. Each egg donor meets with a board-certified practitioner for a comprehensive gynecologic exam. Psychological prescreening interviews and testing are also completed. This entire screening process usually takes 3 to 4 visits.

Step 2: Preparing to Donate
Once you are selected, a nurse will meet with you to discuss pertinent issues about your egg donation and treatment cycle. You will be advised about the infertility medicine injections you will be giving yourself at home for 10 to 14 days. The entire process takes about 2 months of planning and up to an additional 3 weeks to complete the cycle. During the actual treatment phase you will be seen in our office for morning monitoring, which includes blood work and vaginal sonograms to monitor your egg production.

Step 3: Collecting the Donated Eggs
The egg retrieval is generally done in the morning and is performed under IV sedation. The actual procedure takes about 15 minutes. Using ultrasound as a guide, several eggs will be removed from your ovary’s follicles. After recovery, you should plan to spend the day quietly at home. Most women feel fine the next day, and normal periods generally return in about 2 weeks.

Step 4: Compensation
We recognize that your agreeing to be an egg donor is a tremendous gift. Your contribution toward helping a couple achieve their dream of parenthood is priceless. Upon completion of a donation cycle you will receive compensation of $10,000 for your time and effort. No costs associated with the program will be charged to you as an egg donor. You may have the potential to donate up to 6 times in your life and receive $60,000 in compensation.
Become a Donor Today
As an egg donor, you will find reward and satisfaction in knowing that your contribution will have a profound effect on the life of another woman.